cmdonovann: omgthefeels-physical-pain: this will never fail to...

this will never fail to make me laugh
the-science-llama: Rare footage of an Oarfish in the WildVideo...

Rare footage of an Oarfish in the Wild (Regalecus glesne) // posted by The-Science-Llama

Rare footage of an Oarfish in the Wild (Regalecus glesne) // posted by The-Science-Llama
Rare footage of an Oarfish in the Wild
Video — Via DeepSeaNewsOf all bony fish, the oarfish, Regalecus glesne, is the longest. It is suggested that oarfish can reach up to 15 meters (49 feet) in length but actual recorded lengths put them at still impressive 8 meters (26 feet). Oarfish will often was ashore or caught by fishermen. Yet, much like the giant squid, observations of oarfish alive in the wild are rare and video of them alive in the wild are even rarer. Until now.

areyouvulcankiddingme: This is a gif that should be in...

This is a gif that should be in every Trekkie's blog
That right there is my idol! She went in for a double ass slap and did is flawlessly
This is one of the funniest things I've ever seen, and it just keeps getting better the longer I watch it.
I love how DeForest smiles afterwards, too.
Reblogging it again! Because how could you not??
mishasminions: SAME


theartofanimation: OrangePopFox

Prometheus, 2012

Prometheus, 2012
vogueweekend: "I think virginity is the most over-hyped, illogical concept I've ever heard of, let...
"I think virginity is the most over-hyped, illogical concept I've ever heard of, let alone one of the largest double-standards in history. I have no idea why people over-hype the fact that someone hasn't had sex, or why they equate it to "innocence", "virtue", or "honor". It simply means you haven't had sex, it doesn't say anything about your character."
"You're single because you're single. It's not because you texted too much or too little or waited 33..."
"You're single because you're single. It's not because you texted too much or too little or waited 33 minutes to respond because he took 23. It's not because you met up with your ex that night at 5 a.m. that no one knows about, or because you kissed another boy after a date with a loser.
You're not single because you spit food on that date or tripped coming out the the movie theatre. You're not single because you hurt your first boyfriend really badly when you were 15 or because you have yet, to this day, to apologize. It's not because you were secretly jealous when your friend got a boyfriend or that a guy you dated for two months now has a really cute girlfriend and looks really happy. And you're happy for him. But still ill that he found someone before you.
You're not single because you slept with your ex boyfriend. You're not single because half the world found out when you didn't even want to remember it yourself. You're not single because you think the guy your friend wants to hook you up with is ugly or not tall enough. It's not because you're not willing to put up with someone who doesn't brush their teeth on a regular basis.
You're not single because your standards are too high. Good for you for having standards. It's not because you didn't like that really, really good guy who wanted to take you on a date and you just weren't feeling it. And it's not because you like to wear pajama pants as soon as you get home and wash all the makeup off your face. You're not single because you didn't learn enough from the past or would rather chill on a Friday night with your blanket and a cold beer than shower, get ready, and go out. You're not single because something is wrong with you.
You are single because you are single. It's really as simple as that. You haven't made the connection with another heart yet. You can get dolled up, dress cute, cut your hair, dye your hair, tweeze your eyebrows, put on lipstick and you may still. be. single. You can go out to a bar hoping to meet the love of your life and not find a damn one in the place attractive. And it's going to remain that way until it's time for you to find one. Stop hoping for it. Start living the life that you do have instead of wishing for things that you don't have. There will come a time you'll meet a boy and you'll have to give up some of this single freedom you currently have. Start being more thankful. Start doing that now.
"- Why You're Single by Amanda Crute (via winonaryderfanclub)
mamamario64ds: I still can't get over the fact that Sonic fell from space and all he said was...
I still can't get over the fact that Sonic fell from space and all he said was "Ow."


cameronbaum: completemadman: "Star Trek Main Theme" || Michael...
"Star Trek Main Theme" || Michael Giacchino || Star Trek Into Darkness
oomshi: 95% of the ocean has been unexplored like/?? for all we know there could be mermaids or the...
95% of the ocean has been unexplored like/?? for all we know there could be mermaids or the holy grail could be at the bottom or tupac & biggie could be chillen in atlantis like wtf
outofthenest: demondramon: raveninacardigan: halliebadger: su...
Star Trek "Tik Tok"
I will never be tired of this.
my new goal in life is to make fan videos that are this good
this will always be the best video
This might actually be the best fan video I've ever seen.
Never gets old.
How have I not seen this and why is it so amazing?

wouldyouhavesexwithmeifi: Probably the greatest dancing I have...
Probably the greatest dancing I have ever seen.
eelgirl: fuckyeah-animalcrossing: I've been really excited...

I've been really excited because New Leaf comes out the day after my birthday and in my excitement I've been making AC paper stars!
So cute!! *o*
artissimo: Exotique: The World's Most Beautiful CG Characters

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